Young person's travel grant scheme
The Parish of Wareham is offering grants of up to £500 each to young people to help
them with the expenses for a Christian mission project away from home. Travel may
be to an overseas location or within the UK, and must be under the auspices of a
recognised Christian sponsoring body. The grant may be used for travel expenses,
accommodation or subsistence as required. Applicants should normally be between
the ages of 16 and 23 at the time of travel, and they should have a link with a Church
in Wareham, or live in Wareham and have a link with a Church elsewhere in Dorset.
The purpose of the Youth Grant is to encourage young people to experience and learn
from the project, participating with others in imaginative ways, learning to share the
love of God revealed in Jesus.
Application should be made in writing using the application form attached. This asks
for the name and address of the applicant, date of birth, and the name of the
sponsoring Church, together with details of the project. The completed application
should be addressed to The Chairperson of the Mission Committee of the Parochial
Church Council and handed in or posted to the Parish Office at the following address:
Parish Office, Church Green, Wareham BH20 4DN.
There is no closing date for applications, but if possible the applicant should apply six
months before the Project starts. Applicants will be asked to come to an informal
interview to discuss the proposed project, after which a decision will be made and the
applicant will be informed. Actual payment of any grant will usually be made to the
sponsoring Church, but will be a matter for discussion with the applicant taking into
consideration how the project is funded.
After the project has been completed, the applicant will be asked for a short report
outlining the experience or if appropriate, may be interviewed during a Church
Please note that the Parish of Wareham takes no responsibility for the work done or
the living conditions which the applicant will experience while away. This remains
the responsibility of the applicant in conjunction with the Christian Charity and the
sponsoring Church.
We hope that you will have a great time, experiencing the joys and challenges of
discovering God’s purposes for your life in the years to come!
Every blessing,
Wareham Parish Mission Committee